Important Legal Advisement: No Attorney-Client Relationship.
By making a purchase, you are not forming an attorney-client relationship with Zumbrennen Law, LLC or any of its attorneys. The purchase of a product from the Zumbrennen Law store does not constitute a legal service or legal advice and the protections of a client-lawyer relationship do not apply, such as the protection of client confidences, prohibitions against representation of persons with conflicting interests, and obligations of a lawyer to maintain professional independence. The sale of products through this store is a “law-related service” as defined within Rule 5.7 of the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct. Such law-related services are separate and distinct from the legal representation and other legal services that Zumbrennen Law, LLC and its attorneys may from time to time provide to the clients it has engaged. If you are interested in becoming a client of Zumbrennen Law, LLC for the purposes of obtaining legal advice or representation, please contact us to determine whether such arrangements can be made.